Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wardrobe malfunction for Paris Hilton at Halloween party!

Hotel heiress, model, singer and Reality TV star Paris Hilton had a tryst with embarrassment, as she had wardrobe malfunction during a Halloween party organised at the Playboy Mansion on Saturday night.

Paris and sister Nicky attended the party, where she was wearing an Indian girl outfit, while Nicky donned a Superwoman costume. Suring the party, Paris' skimpy outfit slipped to reveal more than she had intended.

The sexy star was dressed in a fringed bikini and feathers in her interpretation of an Indian warrior princess, but as she was on her way to the party, she was caught on wrong foot with her top slipping down giving ample opportunity to the paparazzi.

However, Paris was quick enough to hold her dress from falling apart and was escorted by her sister to avert further embarrassment. Paris was overtanned and was looking somewhat hungry, but the incident of wardrobe malfunction took away all the charm that she had come there for.

On her social networking site Tweeter, Paris tweeted about the party: 'Just went into The Haunted House at The Playboy Mansion. So scary and fun!!!'

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