We need to hold sacred symbols as sacred; otherwise we will have little to hold onto.
The World is a Dangerous Place to Live, Not Because of the People who are Evil, But Because of the People Who Do not Do Anything About it" -- Albert Einstein
Published by
Forum for preserving Gandhi's Heritage
Gandhi's quotable quotes
v A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people
v Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
v Today we see competition and conflict among different religions for counting the number of their followers. I feel deeply ashamed of this and, when I hear of people's achievement in converting such and such a number to a particular faith, I feel that that is no achievement at all, that on the contrary it is a blasphemy against God and the self.
v Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.
v Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.
Who is Gandhi and what did he stand for? 5
Who is Sonia? 5
Comparison between Gandhi and Sonia 6
Truth and Honesty. 6
Non- Violence. 6
Opinion on Hinduism.. 6
Truth Alone Triumphs (Satyameva Jayathe) 7
Foreign Missionaries & conversion. 7
Self-Sacrifice and Wealth. 7
Feelings towards enemies/detractors. 7
Nationalism and confidence in India. 7
Moral principles vs. political Gains. 8
Scams & Scandals. 8
Contribution towards India. 8
High Level Comparison of Mahatma Vs Sonia. 8
Sonia –Rajiv's relationship 9
Sonia's India connection 10
Foreign Agency initiated marriage to Rajiv. 10
Sonia's greed for power: How did she become party president 12
First confrontation with Indian law.. 12
The truth about Quottrochi 12
(By Arun Shourie) 12
Who is Quottrochi? (Dina Nath Mishra) 16
Maruti Scandal and FERA violations. 22
Illegal registration as a voter 24
Abandoning India at the time of crisis. 25
Smuggling of Indian artifacts. 25
Terrorist connections. 25
The Maruti scam (by Arun Shourie) 26
Donation of public money to Sonia controlled foundations to promote her interests. 27
RGF list of donors. 30
Bofors. 33
Secret unaccounted wealth in Swiss accounts. 34
Sonia vs. Gandhi: The controversy 34
Documents on Rajiv and Rahul as KGB's agents. 37
Documents on lying about degree from Cambridge University. 38
Documents on Rajiv Gandhi Secret Swiss account of 2 billion Dollars. 41
Documents(press report) on Sonia close Italian Friend Ottavio Quattrocchi involved in many scams in India 45
Documents on Smuggling of artifacts from India and depositing into an account in Cayman Islands. 46
A British-educated lawyer, Gandhi first employed his ideas of peaceful civil disobedience in the Indian community's struggle for civil rights in South Africa. Upon his return to India, he organized poor farmers and laborers to protest against oppressive taxation and widespread discrimination. Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns for the alleviation of poverty, for the liberation of women, for brotherhood amongst differing religions and ethnicities, for an end to untouchability and caste discrimination, and for the economic self-sufficiency of the nation, but above all for Swaraj (self-governing democracy) —the independence of India from foreign domination. Gandhi famously led Indians in the disobedience of the salt tax on the 400 kilometer (248 miles) Dandi Salt March in 1930 and in an open call for the British to Quit India in 1942. He was imprisoned for many years on numerous occasions in both South Africa and India.
Throughout his life, Gandhi remained committed to non-violence and truth even in the most extreme situations. A student of Hindu philosophy, he lived simply, organizing an ashram (commune) that was self-sufficient in its needs. Making his own clothes—the traditional Indian dhoti (waist-down wrapper) and shawl woven with a charkha (hand-operated cotton spinner)—he lived on a simple vegetarian diet. He used rigorous fasts, for long periods, for both self-purification and protest.
(The following news items and articles are extracts from articles written and published in India)
(By Dr. Subramaniam Swamy)
Antonia is Sonia's real name in her birth certificate. Sonia is the name given to her subsequently by her father, Stefano Maino [now deceased] following his return from Russia where he had been a prisoner of war. Stefano had joined the Nazi army as a volunteer. Sonia is a Russian not Italian name. While spending two years in a Russian jail, Sonia's father had become quite pro-Soviet; especially after the liberating US army in Italy had confiscated all fascists' properties including his.
Second, she was not born in Orbassano as she claims in her bio data submitted to Parliament on becoming MP, but in Luciana as stated in her birth certificate. She perhaps would like to hide the place of her birth because of her father's connection with the Nazis and Mussolini's Fascists, and her family's continuing connections with the Nazi-Fascists underground that is still surviving since 1945 in Italy. Luciana is where Nazi-Fascist network is headquartered, and is on the Italian-Swiss border. There can be no other explanation for this otherwise meaningless lie.
Third, Sonia Gandhi has not studied beyond High School. She has falsely claimed in her affidavit filed as a contesting candidate before the Rae Bareli Returning Officer in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections that she is qualified and got a diploma in English from the prestigious University of Cambridge, UK.
The truth is that Ms. Gandhi has never studied in any college anywhere. She did go to a Catholic run seminary-school called Maria Ausiliatrice in Giaveno [15 kms from adopted home town of Orbassabo]. Poverty those days forced young Italian girls to go to such missionaries and then in their teens go to UK to get jobs as cleaning maids, waitresses and au pair. The Mainos were poor those days. Her father was a mason and mother a share cropper.
Sonia thus went to the town of Cambridge and first learnt some English in a teaching shop called Lennox School [which has since 1970 been wound up]. That is all her "education" which is enough English language to get domestic help jobs. But in Indian society education is highly valued. Thus, to fool the Indian public, Sonia Gandhi willfully fibbed about her qualifications in Parliamentary records [which is a Breach of Ethics Rules] and in a sworn affidavit [which is criminal offence under IPC, severe enough to disqualify her from being MP
This is just a beginning. As this booklet unfolds Sonia's story, it reveals shocking details on the corruption and fraud, disrespect for Indian laws, alarming threat to democracy of India, religious intolerance towards Hinduism, pro-terrorist policies, dividing country to perpetuate dynasty rule
Mahatma Gandhi: Mahatma Gandhi was an apostle of truth, honesty and humility
Sonia: She lied from President of India to a common man. She lied to the President about the number of MPs supporting her and to a common man on a trivial issue such as her educational qualification. She says that she is outside Government but controls every move Government makes and there is no record of her ever admitting or apologizing for any lies and mistakes.
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi never justified violence under any circumstances. His definition of Non-Violence comes from his reading of Hindu Scriptures that declares Non-Violence in thought, word and deed as the most important principle (Ahimsa Paramo Dharma).
Sonia: Sonia is violent and her violence spans Political, Spiritual and Physical spheres. The way she installed herself to become congress president, the way she treats congressmen and opponents speaks volumes in Political Sphere. Her crusade against Hinduism such as Rama Sethu (historic bridge built by Lord Ram, as per Hindu Holy Book, "Ramayana") speaks of spiritual violence. In the Physical sphere, Sonia was sympathetic in Congress party and in Government to the killers of 3000 Sikhs, where innocent Sikhs on streets of New Delhi were lynched to death. Jagdish Tytler who was one of the instigators of the lynching was rewarded with a Government ministry. Central Government provided a weak defense in courts and no congressmen was ever punished for the anti-Sikh pogrom. Rajiv Gandhi whose wife is Sonia even justified the killings by saying "When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake". She is pursuing pro-terrorist policies for vote banks that resulted in number of killings in last three years she was in power just next to Iraq.
Mahatma Gandhi: He had the highest respect for Hinduism. All his prayers were devoted to Lord Ram and he wanted to establish 'Ram Rajya'. (Lord Rama's kingdom is considered a symbol of perfect Government). His strength is Bhagavad-Gita which he translated into his life. He constantly chanted Rama's name and died with that name on his lips.
Sonia: In her opinion and according to the affidavit submitted in Supreme Court, Ram is a fictional character and Ramayana never happened. Under her rule 'Rama Sethu' is being blown up just like Taliban blew up Buddha Statues. Her protégé Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister have attempted to take over 5 out of 7 Tirumala Hills for building Churches and Tourism. This is akin to non-Christians taking over Vatican for building their worship places. Her reasons for not taking firm action against terrorism are two fold. One is the sense that investigation would hurt vote bank and another is that the overwhelming number of those who were killed in the terrorism are Hindus who are not from the vote bank. As recently as few weeks she visited Andhra Pradesh that witnessed the brutal terrorist attack that killed more than 50 people and she did not go visit the city where attack occurred (Hyderabad) because those affected are not her vote banks.
Mahatma Gandhi: Guided by Hinduism (Mundaka Upanishad), Gandhi and India's founding fathers made the slogan the national motto of India and printed on every Government document
Sonia: Under her rule 'Satyameva jayathe' has been replaced by a Christian cross used by Louis the Pious (778-840) on currency coins.
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi, a great visionary had a clear foresight about missionaries. On numerous occasions he condemned missionary activity. He said "If I had the power and could legislate, I should certainly stop all proselytizing." He further said "The effect of Christianity upon India in general...has been disastrous." Regarding conversion Gandhi said "The idea of conversion, I assure you is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth." He also said "Conversion is like a drop of poison which fouls the whole food" and that "poverty does not justify conversion".
Sonia: Sonia is known for her sympathy and support to deceitful proselytization. Her party granted the high-security Air Force field to Benny Hinn to hold his healing charade that even Christian Trinity Foundation declared as a fraud. A leader of seventh day Adventist church, Ron Watts was ordered deportation by courts for his illegal activities. He seems to have been blessed by Sonia and continues to live in India. The state Governors she appointed have been consistently rejecting State laws to enact anti-conversion laws to prevent conversion of poor people by allurement.
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi, who otherwise was a prosperous lawyer, donated everything he had for the nation. His only possessions were walking stick, chappals, eye glasses and a watch.
Sonia: According to the respected Swiss magazine (published in 1991), Schweitzer Illustrate, Rajiv Gandhi, her late husband had secret Swiss accounts worth $ 2 billion. Sonia is known for her close association with Italian fugitive Quattrocchi. Sonia and her family are believed to have looted country wealth worth billions of dollars.
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi treated all Indians as his children. He was very compassionate even towards his detractors. He won his enemies by love and understanding.
Sonia: Sonia is known for her vindictive nature. She is known not to spare even her party men and routinely humiliates them. She even humiliated the dead body by denying a respectful funeral, of former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao who did not encourage Sonia's political growth.
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi and India were synonymous. Gandhi was the first person to be arrested in any independence movement. He stood for independent India.
Sonia: Sonia abandoned India during 1971 war and in 1977 when Indira Gandhi lost elections she hid herself in Italian embassy. She did not even apply for Indian citizenship for 16 years though living in Prime Minister's house.
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi never compromised on moral principles and stood by them even during grave crisis.
Sonia: In 1997, Sonia pulled down United Front Government at centre because a political party DMK, a constituent of United Front Government was found to be close to her husband's killers i.e., LTTE. Every election costs Indian tax payer billions of rupees. But in 2004, she joined hands with same DMK to gain power.
Mahatma Gandhi: Scams & Scandals and Gandhi are perfect enemies. Gandhi was never involved in any scam. His life, nay his every thought is an open book which he expressed in his voluminous writings.
Sonia: Sonia was almost and always in news due to some scandal or scam. Maruti Scam, Foreign Exchange Regulations Act, Indian Artifacts smuggling, Bofors kickbacks, Indira/Rajiv Trusts and Indira Arts Center usurpation, political manipulations are some of the widely published notorious scandals she was involved in.
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi's life and philosophy of Satyagraha are a major contribution to mankind
Sonia: Except for scandals, scams and intolerance primarily towards Hindu institutions, she has no positive contribution to lay claim to.
Mahatma Gandhi | Sonia |
Mahatma Gandhi gave up his prosperous career for the country. Only things he possessed were a loin cloth, simple footwear, watch and a walking stick. | Sonia came from a poor Italian family working as a maid in Europe before she came to India. Since then, she is alleged to have amassed billions of dollars thro' scandals, scams & questionable means |
Mahatma Gandhi's heart & soul was committed to India and to every Indian. When someone asked Kasturibai (M. Gandhi's wife) how many children she has, she replied while she has 4 sons, her husband has 300 million children. | Sonia became a citizen of India only after 16 years of her marriage. In 1971, at the time of war with Pakistan, she escaped with Pilot Rajiv to Italy. When Indira Gandhi lost elections after emergency, Sonia ran and took shelter in Italian Embassy along with Rajiv & children. |
Mahatma Gandhi lived by principle of 'Satya' –Truth, Honesty and Integrity. Even death is insignificant in his pursuit for truth and he strived for purity in thought, word and deed. | Sonia indulged in so many scams, from the time she entered India. For example, Maurti Technical Services, Bofors, KGB kickbacks, Swiss account, SNAM, Jawahar trust, Indira trust, Indian Artifacts smuggling, Rajiv trusts & Indira Gandhi Arts Center. Overall she & her family were involved in grand looting of literally thousands of crores from India. |
Mahatma Gandhi is embodiment of Hinduism. He is product of Gita and constant chanting of Ram. Many historians say that his constant chanting of 'Ram' Name (including his last words) is what gave him that great spiritual strength. | Sonia is working to blow up of Ram Sethu just like Taliban blew up Buddha Statues. Just recently her crony Ambika Soni declared Ram a mythological character. She is constantly working on how far she can go on destroying Hinduism thro' cronies. If situation backfires, she does limited firefighting & continues the onslaught differently. |
Mahatma Gandhi was against any form of violence. He went into the midst of murderous riots during partition and risked his own life. During that time at peace gatherings, a Muslim rioter choked his neck and almost killed him. But the kindness he expressed even then melted the rioter & he fell on his feet. | Sonia is enacting pro-terrorist policies for vote banks. Because of this in last 3 years there were 3674 deaths (next to Iraq) and hardly any terrorist are caught since she does not want to hurt sentiments of the vote bank and the victims are Hindus who are not the vote bank. Just recently she visited multiple places in Andhra Pradesh but did not go to Hyderabad where the brutal terrorism cost 50 lives (mostly Hindus). |
Mahatma Gandhi won his enemies by love. He believed the world consists of two types of people, those who agreed with him and those who are yet to agree with him (to be won by his love). | Sonia controls her enemies by fear. Using goons she locked the president of Congress Party, Sitaram Kesari in toilet and declared herself Congress President. The fear techniques used on media, judges, politicians are direct threats, carrot/stick and tax raids. She even humiliates many of her own congress members. |
Mahatma Gandhi had a great respect for all religions and its teachers. | Sonia jailed revered Hindu saint Jayendra Saraswati. Rewriting text books to denigrate national heroes. E.g. Bhagat Singh was a terrorist. |
Gandhi never allowed foreigners to get involved in freedom movement. E.g., CF Andrews who stayed several decades with Gandhi ji was disallowed. | Sonia is a foreigner who showed little understanding about the rich heritage of India. Her interest in India is power and loot for herself & her siblings. She cares little if her actions divide India. |
(Dr. Subramaniam Swamy)
Ms. Sonia Gandhi upon learning enough English became a waitress in Varsity Restaurant in Cambridge town. She first met Rajiv when he came to the restaurant in 1965. Rajiv was a student in the University, but could not cope with the academic rigor for long. So he had to depart in 1966 for London where he was briefly in Imperial College of Engineering as a student. Sonia too moved to London, and according my information, got a job with an outfit run by Salman Thassir, a debonair Pakistani based in Lahore, and who has an export-import company headquartered in Dubai but who spends most of his time in London. This fits the profile of an ISI functionary.
Obviously, Sonia made enough money in this job to loan Rajiv funds in London, who was obviously living beyond his allowances [Indira herself expressed anguish to me on this score in late 1965 when she invited me to a private tea at the Guest House in Brandeis University]. Rajiv's letters to Sanjay, who was also in London then, clearly indicate that he was in financial debt to Sonia because he requested Sanjay who obviously had more access to money, to pay off the debt.
However, Rajiv was not the only friend Sonia was seeing those days. Madhavrao Scindia and a German by name Stiegler are worth mentioning as other good friends of Sonia. Madhavrao's friendship continued even after Sonia's marriage to Rajiv. Scindia in 1982 was involved in a traffic accident near IIT, Delhi main gate while driving a car at 2 AM. Sonia was the only other passenger. Both were badly injured. A student of IIT who was burning midnight oil was out for a cup of coffee. He picked them up from the car, hailed an auto rickshaw and sent an injured Sonia to Mrs. Indira Gandhi's house since she insisted in not going to a hospital. Madhavrao had broken a leg and in too much pain to make any demand. He was taken to hospital by the Delhi Police who had arrived a little after Sonia had left the scene. In later years, Madhavrao had become privately critical of Sonia, and told some close friends about his apprehensions about Sonia. It is a pity that he died in mysterious circumstances in an air crash.
Sonia's India connection
Sonia's connection with India is always found with all wrong reasons. A rational analysis of what India gained vs. what India lost reveals a shocking picture.
The circumstance under which Rajiv hastily married Sonia in a Church in Orbassano is controversial but that was his personal matter that has no public significance. But what is of public significance is that Indira Gandhi who was initially dead set against the marriage for reasons known to her, relented to hold a registry marriage with Hindu ceremonial trappings in New Delhi only after the pro-Soviet T.N. Kaul prevailed upon her to accept the marriage in "the larger interest of cementing Indo-Soviet Friendship". Kaul would not have intervened unless the Soviet Union had asked him to.
Such has been the extensive patronage from the beginning extended to Sonia Gandhi from the Soviets. When a Prime Minister of India's son dates a girl in London, the KGB which valued Indo-Soviet relations, obviously would investigate her and find out that she was the daughter of Stefano, their old reliable Italian contact. Thus, Sonia with Rajiv meant deeper access to the household of the Indian Prime Minister. Hence cementing the Rajiv-Sonia relations was in the Soviet national interest and they went to work on it. And they did through their then existing moles in the Indira Gandhi camp.
After her marriage to Rajiv, the Soviet connection with the Mainos was fortified and nurtured by generous financial help through commissions and kickbacks on every Indo, Soviet trade deal and defense purchases. According to the respected Swiss magazine, Schweitzer Illustrate [November 1991 issue], Rajiv Gandhi had about $ 2 billion in numbered Swiss bank accounts, which Sonia inherited upon his assassination. Dr. Yevgenia Albats, PhD [Harvard], is a noted Russian scholar and journalist, and was a member of the KGB Commission set up by President Yeltsin in August 1991. She was privy to the Soviet intelligence files that documented these deals and KGB facilitation of the same. In her book, The State within a State, The KGB in Soviet Union, she even gives the file numbers of such intelligence files, which can now be accessed by any Indian government through a formal request to the Kremlin.
The Russian Government in 1992 was confronted by the Albats' disclosure; they confirmed it through their official spokesperson to the press [which was published in Hindu in 1992], defending such financial payments as necessary in "Soviet ideological interest".
When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, things changed for Ms. Sonia Gandhi. Her patrons evaporated. The rump that became Russia was in a financial mess and disorder. So Ms. Sonia Gandhi became a supporter of another communist country to the annoyance of the Russians.
The national security ramification of this 'annoyance' is now significant: The President of Russia today is Putin, a former dyed-in-the-wool KGB officer. Upon Dr. Manmohan Singh's government taking office, Russia called back it's career diplomat Ambassador in New Delhi and immediately posted as the new Ambassador a person who was the KGB station chief in New Delhi during the 1970s. In view of Dr. Albats confirmed revelation, it stands to reason that the new Ambassador would have known first hand about Sonia's connections with the KGB. He may have in fact been her "controller". The new Indian government which is defacto Sonia's, cannot afford to annoy him or even disregard Russian demands coming from him? They will obviously placate him so as not to risk exposure. Is this not a major national security risk and a delicate matter for the nation?
Of course, all Indians would like good normal and healthy relations with Russia. Who can forget their assistance to us in times of need? Today's Russia is the residual legatee of that Soviet Union which helped India. But just because of that, should we tolerate those in our government set up having clandestine links with a foreign spy agency? In the United States, the government did not tolerate an American spying for Israel even though the two countries are as close as any two countries can be. National security and friendship are as different as chalk and cheese.
How and when she became an Indian citizen
But she did not apply for Indian citizenship in 1968 when she married Rajiv and came to India, which is what good Indian wives would have done. She filled in an application in 1968 for permission to stay as a foreigner in India for five years. She said I am married, I am married into the family of the Indian Prime Minister but I would still like to remain a foreigner. So she was given a certificate in 1968 to reside in India as a foreigner for five years. Okay, this may have been due to some adjustment problems.
In 1973, after the first five year period expired, she again applied for the permit to stay on India for another five years as a foreigner and this is the person who is going to live and die for us. I will now come to what Cho, my friend told me, never believe what she says. There is not only complete divorce between what she says and what she does there is also a clue that she will do precisely the opposite of what she says. I will come to it later, there are instances and instances. So, she again applied for a foreigner's permit. You know why? Between 1968 and 1973, the indications were all there of the imminent war with Pakistan over East Pakistan. And sure enough, there was the Bangladesh war. During the Bangladesh war, when all commercial pilots were asked to forego their leave and come into service, she asked Rajeev to go on a long leave and he was given special permission and they left India. And throughout the period of the war, they were in Rome. Why, because the American seventh fleet was moving towards India and Sonia Gandhi probably had serious doubts about India's survival! So she ran away from the country with her husband; to that extent faithful. And she returned only after peace was restored, after India had won the war, when because of Indira Gandhi, that family acquired stature and became invincible.
So, we have to read between the lines, you have to look at the persons behind the skin. So, in 1973, she again applied for a permit to remain a foreigner in India. Now let us come to the period between 1973 and 1978. In the year 1977 when Mrs. Gandhi was defeated after she lifted the Emergency and called for elections, Sonia Gandhi learnt the mood of the nation and she went into the Italian embassy and refused to come out of it. She said she was going back to Italy. Sanjay Gandhi had to go and plead with her to return. This is the person who is going to live and die for India, please understand. To live in India is very different from living for India. And to live in India in such glory, with such protection, with such resources, is very different from dying for India. No one will die for something which one does not own up to. Owning up to India is different from thinking you own India.
Sonia said that she was not interested in politics, she would not enter politics. She said she would not become a Congress member. She will only help the party as a person belonging to the Congress family. She said I am just a four penny member; I will not occupy any position.
And then she goes and physically throws out poor Sitaram Kesari (then president of Congress party) from the office. Physically, poor fellow. He has gone to the toilet. His chair was empty, and you know what happened? These congress goons, they went and locked up the toilet and made Sonia occupy that place. And the elderly man cried. This is how she became the Congress President. In the same way as the western armies in the past, would invade other civilizations. Seize power, she seized power in a 'coup d'toilet'.
This is how every word that she has spoken so far had nothing to do with what she did. Her conduct was the very reverse of her professions.
(Dr. Subramaniam Swamy)
After Sonia married Rajiv, she went about minting money with scant regard for Indian laws and treasures. Within a few years the Mainos went from utter poverty to billionaires. There was no area that was left out for the rip-off. On November 19, 1974, as fresh entrant to Parliament, I asked the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi on the floor of the House if her daughter-in-law, Sonia Gandhi was acting as an insurance agent of a public sector insurance company [Oriental Fire & Insurance], giving the Prime Minister's official residence as her business address, and using undue influence to insure all the officers of the PMO while remaining an Italian citizen [thus violating FERA]? There was uproar in Parliament, but Mrs. Indira Gandhi had no alternative but to cut her losses. She made a rare admission that it was so, and that it was by mistake, but that Sonia had resigned from her insurance agent status [after my question]. But Sonia was incorrigible. Her contempt for Indian law continued to manifest.
Responding to a question regarding her family friend Ottavio Quattrocchi, at her singular press conference Mrs. Sonia Gandhi said, ''The CBI has said he is a suspect. But we have never seen the papers naming him in the deal. They should show the papers establishing that he is guilty.''
The fact that he received money from Bofors, as well as particulars of his accounts into which the money was paid, transferred and re-transferred are available in the public domain, in judgments which the Courts have already delivered on appeals by her family friend.
The relevant judgments are as follows:
1. Judgment of the Chamber of Accusation, Switzerland, dated 6 September, 1996, in regard to Colbar Investments Ltd, Inc, and Ottavio Quattrocchi v. The decision taken by the Examining Magistrate on 12 July, 1995. THIS JUDGMENT WAS FURNISHED TO THE DELHI HIGH COURT INADVERTANTLY, PERHAPS! BY THE COUNSEL OF OTTAVIO QUATTROCCHI HIMSELF.
2. Judgment of the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court dated 5 August, 1998, in Ottavio Quattrocchi v. Central Bureau of Investigation.
3. Judgment of the Division Bench of the Supreme Court of India dated 23, February, 1999, in Ottavio Quattrocchi v. CBI.
4. Judgment of the Division Bench of the Supreme Court of India dated 26, March, 1999, in Ottavio Quattrocchi v. CBI.
These judgments together establish the following facts about the money received by Ottavio Quattrocchi from Bofors.
In his sworn affidavit, Myles Tweedale Stott revealed that he was contacted by Ottavio Quattrocchi. In accordance with their discussions, M/s AB Bofors entered into an agreement with AE Services on 15 November, 1985, and agreed to pay the latter THREE PER CENT OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT if the contract was awarded to Bofors on or before 31 March, 1986.
2. From 7 June, 1984 to early February, 1986, the Negotiating Committee met seventeen times. The Army consistently ranked the SOFMA gun as its number one preference. On 17 February, 1986, it switched its preference to Bofors. After a note from a Joint Secretary, mini signatures of ELEVEN OFFICERS AND MINISTERS headed by those of Rajiv Gandhi, the then Defense Minister and Prime Minister-were obtained IN LESS THAN 48 HOURS.
3. Rajiv Gandhi visited Sweden on 14/15 March, 1986, and told the Swedish Prime Minister that the contract would indeed be given to Bofors. The deadline agreed to by Quattrocchi was thus met.
4. On 2 May, 1986, the Government of India released 20 per cent of the contract money-that is, SEK 1,682,132,196.80- as the first advance payment to Bofors.
5. On 20 August, 1986, Myles Tweedale Stott opened an account in the name of AE Services c/o Mayo Associates SA, Geneva. The account was NUMBER 18051-53 in the NORDFINANZ BANK, ZURICH.
6. On 3 September, 1986, Bofors remitted SEK 50,463,966 into this account- then US $ equivalent being $ SEVEN MILLION THREE HUNDRED FORTY THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE, AND 98 CENTS- $ 7,343, 941.98. This amount was credited into the account on 5 September, 1986.
8. On 16 September, 1986- that is, within 11 days of the money being received into the account which had just been opened by AE Services- it was transferred to ACCOUNT NUMBER 254.561.60 W held by COLBAR INVESTMENTS Ltd in the Union Bank of Switzerland, Geneva. The amount was transferred in two installments. $ SEVEN MILLION WERE PUT INTO THIS ACCOUNT ON 16 SEPTEMBER, 1986, AND ANOTHER $ 123,900 WAS PUT INTO IT ON 29 SEPTEMBER, 1986.
11. An account-NUMBER 488.320.60 X- was opened within the same bank, the Union Bank of Switzerland, Geneva, on the name of M/s WETELSEN OVERSEAS SA, THE NEW COMPANY QUATTROCCHI HAD OPENED. THIS ACCOUNT ALSO COULD BE OPERATED ONLY BY OTTAVIO QUATTROCCHI OR HIS WIFE, MARIA.
14. In yet another round of laundering, on 21 May, 1990, another $200,000 were transferred from the account of M/s Wetelsen Overseas SA in the Union Bank of Switzerland into the account of INTER INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION with ANNSBACHER Ltd, St PETER PORT, GUERNSEY.
15. The Swiss Court noted that Quattrocchi had denied receiving any commission directly or indirectly from Bofors. It noted on the other hand (a) the statement of Myles T Stott that the amount Bofors had paid AE Services was related to the agreement of sale of guns to India; (b) and the trail of subsequent transfers of the money to companies owned by Quattrocchi-from AE Services to Colbar Investments to Wetelsen Overseas. At page 7 of its judgment, the Swiss Court then noted,
''This decision [ of the Examining Magistrate] was in particular imparted to Ottavio Quattrocchi, economical owner of Colbar Investments Ltd and Wetelsen Overseas SA, who in view of the documents transferred appeared to have received commissions through the channel of these companies, who had given no explanations and who had not obeyed the judge's injunction of June 20th, 1994''.
16. After setting out further facts, after rejecting roundly the assertions of Quattrocchi that he would not get justice in India and therefore the bank documents should not be allowed to be transferred at page 14 of its judgment, the Swiss Court pronounced,
''The Requesting Authority can therefore neglect no track and insofar as the appellants seem to have been used as transfer channels for commissions paid out by Bofors, it is of the first importance that it have at its disposal elements as complete as possible enabling it to reconstruct the network susceptible of having been used and ending, in this case, at a firm in Guernsey..''
Rejecting the contentions of Quattrocchi decisively, at page 15 of its judgment, the Swiss Court further concluded,
''Now, Colbar Investments Ltd Inc and Ottavio Quattrocchi seem to have received an amount issuing from commissions paid by Bofors and one cannot therefore say that their appearance in the case, was the proceed of pure chance, especially that on the own confession of the appellants it appears that Ottavio Quattrocchi had relationships in India at the highest level and that he had very close relationships with this country.''
''In conclusion'', the Swiss Court said after rejecting further contentions, ''the recourse [in our terms, the appeal of Quattrocchi against the decision of the lower court that the relevant bank documents be transferred to India] IS ABSOLUTELY UNFOUNDED.''
17. On 3 July, 1993, Interpol, Switzerland, informed India that appeals filed by Quattrocchi and others had been dismissed by the Swiss Supreme Court.
18. For the next week, though he was in India, no action was taken to restrain Quattrocchi. On the contrary, as had happened in the case of Win Chaddha, Quattrocchi was allowed to escape from India on 29 July, 1993.
19. The investigating agency raided the house and offices of Ottavio Quattrocchi. Diaries, family photographs, telephone records nailed his extreme proximity and of his wife to Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi.
20. The Special Judge examining the case concluded that there was prima facie evidence to the effect that Ottavio Quattrocchi had received SEVEN MILLION ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in the Bofors deal. Accordingly, he issued a non-bailable warrant for his arrest.
21. Interpol issued a Red Corner Alert for his arrest on 17 February, 1997.
22. Quattrocchi appealed against this Red Corner Alert on 7 April, 1997.
23. The Interpol Supervisory Board rejected his appeal on 20 September, 1997.
24. Quattrocchi then filed an appeal against the Special Judge's order in the Delhi High Court. A Division Bench of the High Court roundly rejected the appeal. It held that it found no merit in the appeal. It held that the non-bailable warrant for his arrest was fully justified. The Court said,
''We have in extensor quoted the averments which the respondent [the CBI] made in the application seeking the issuance of the warrants. The same on the face of it do constitute making of sufficient allegation pointing out that the evidence so far collected prima facie reveals that the petitioner was recipient of fraud committed in the Bofors gun deal, which he received for himself and on behalf of certain public servants and, therefore, he was required to be arrested and interrogated for expeditions investigation of the case and to reveal the truth.''
25. Quattrocchi then filed an appeal in the Supreme Court. On his behalf his counsel told that Supreme Court that Quattrocchi would indeed appear before the Special Court, that he would cooperate with the investigating authorities who want to interrogate him, and that for this purpose the would remain in India for two weeks. The Supreme Court recorded these assurances in its order on 22 February, 1999, and directed him to appear before the Special Judge on 15 March, 1999, and remain present in India for two weeks thereafter so as to enable the investigating authorities to interrogate him. The date came and went, Quattrocchi did not appear.
26. The matter was taken again to the Supreme Court. It recorded, 'we strongly disapprove the manner in which the petitioner [Quattrocchi] has conducted himself in the proceedings before this Court''. That was on 26 March, 1999.
Each of these facts is a matter of public record. Each is available in judgments of the highest courts of India and Switzerland.
And yet Mrs. Sonia Gandhi says,
''We have never seen the papers naming him in the deal. They should show the papers establishing that he is guilty''!
There is a second striking feature. A comparison of dates will show that with each failure of Quattrocchi's efforts to escape the law, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi's efforts to bring down governments in India accelerated.
Five years ago, India was at the crossroads. An ordinary, Italy-born woman had all but grabbed the prime ministerial chair, claiming the support of the majority of Lok Sabha members. The 120-year-old Congress willingly surrendered to the Italian bahu (daughter-in-law) of the dynasty. The oldest party in the country could not find a single individual other than her to lead it and the nation of over a billion people.
On her part, the widow of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi made bold to strangle inner-party democracy. Five years ago, the nation was saved by the bell. For, finally, the nationalist in Mulayam Singh Yadav surfaced, and he quietly put paid to Sonia's dreams. There may be a whole lot of reasons why she should not be the Prime Minister of India. But just one is enough: She is not of Indian origin.
Today, when the nation is once again witnessing the battle of the ballot, every nationalist of every party should ponder whom is he voting? He may be voting for the CPI (M), which ultimately translates into support for Sonia Gandhi, whether directly or indirectly. They may be voting for Laloo Prasad Yadav's party, which would ultimately strengthen the hands of Sonia Gandhi. They may be voting for the DMK-Ied front whose prime ministerial candidate is Sonia and Sonia alone. They may be electing PDF candidates in J&K but with the same result. The duty of all true nationalists then is to ensure that power does not slip into the hands of someone of foreign origin.
The ramifications of her entry into Prime Minister's Office are numerous. One of them is the Quattrocchi angle. Ottavio Quattrocchi, the representative of the powerful Milan-based Italian company Snamprogetti, originally came to India as a chartered accountant based in a Chennai- based Italian MNC. Gradually, he made his way into the corridors of power especially after Rajiv Gandhi burst on the political scene in the wake of Sanjay Gandhi's death in a mysterious air crash. It is essential to understand the Quattrocchi phenomenon, particularly in relation to Sonia Gandhi.
He worked for a firm which provided services like designing, engineering, management of construction and training of personnel in the sectors such as oil refineries, gas processing, petrochemicals, fertilizers and pipelines. He had no experience of any guns, gun-systems or related equipment. However, he was a close friend of Rajiv Gandhi's family.
Investigation has shown that the families of Rajiv Gandhi and Ottavio Quattrocchi were on very intimate terms and they used to meet frequently. Quattrocchi and his family had free access to the Prime Minister's house. As a result, Quattrocchi was able to project himself as a person of great influence.
Even during the 1980s, when Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister, Quattrocchi had direct frisk-free entry to Prime Minister's residence, courtesy the Italian 'bahu' of Indira Gandhi. Senior journalist Mahendra Ved had this to say in The Times of India (Delhi Edition; February 3, 1998): "Throughout the 1980s, Ottavio Quattrocchi, the affable Italian, was the man about town who moved in high circles and wielded influence in the corridors of power. His word, spoken in smooth Italian-accented English, was the law.
"Ministers would rise in their chairs whenever he would walk in unscheduled and see him off, apparently due to his proximity to the then ruling Gandhi family. One minister, Ramachandra Rath, who did not oblige, was dropped in the next round of cabinet reshuffle, recalls a former Member of Parliament. Rath was at the moment talking to veteran Gandhian, BN Pande, and took exception to Quattrocchi simply walking in.
"This was also the era of 'four powerful women' in New Delhi. They held kitty parties and went on picnics, recalls a Delhi socialite. They were Sonia Gandhi, Maria Quattrocchi, Nina Singh, wife of Arun Singh and Sterre, the Dutch wife of Satish Sharma.
"If Rath paid a 'price', so did two Fertilizer secretaries, senior enough to become Cabinet Secretaries. Mr. KV Ramanathan had sought a 'correct' approach in the awarding of the Thal- Vaishet fertilizer project to Messrs Kellogg and CF Braun. Snam Progetti, the Italian public sector multinational that Quattrocchi represented in India, did not have the appropriate technology."
The decision by the late HN Bahuguna was reversed by Indira Gandhi in 1980. Snam was conversant only with the technology for urea-based fertilizer, while Thal-Vaishet was to run on ammonia. Snam hired the technology from a Dane, Haldor Topsoe, who was essentially an individual consultant. That matter came up in Parliament in a big way.
Even while releasing the 1999 election manifesto of the Congress, Sonia Gandhi dodged the question of Quattrochi connections. But her connection with 'Q' is too well known to be forgotten. Here I reproduce the news story written by AB Mahapatra in Free Press Journal dated February 20, 1998.
"Ottavio Quattrocchi, whose extradition is demanded by many political parties in connection with the Bofors case, had access to sensitive files in the Prime Minister's Office when Rajiv Gandhi was Prime Minister and he was able to appoint ministers and top bureaucrats. Authentic sources told the Free Press Journal that he used to get information about cabinet meetings and its agenda much in advance. When he was visiting offices, ministers and bureaucrats used to get up from the chair to receive him. He was a frequent visitor to the official residence of India's so-called royal family without security check, a privilege very few enjoyed."
Though officially Quattrocchi was the representative of the powerful Milan-based Italian company Snamprogetti, he worked as a conduit for some in receiving kickbacks and transferring them to safe havens in many deals for over a decade. "In every deal there was a cut. At least there, he was loyal to the royal family," remarked a retired bureaucrat.
He used to appoint ministers, bureaucrats, PSU executives and finalized deals which came his way, even if those were beyond his areas of expertise. The word 'no' perhaps did not figure in his dictionary. Soft-spoken Quattrocchi, also worked as an extra-constitutional power centre since 1980s.
He got ministers and bureaucrats sacked and snubbed the most influential people of his time who challenged his authority. For Quattrocchi, it was a meteoric rise and an ignominious fall as well, as he has been disowned by the Italian company, Snamprogetti, which he represented in India and elsewhere for more than 16 years. He was known to almost all the top ranking people who mattered and his proximity to Gandhi family was the talk of the town.
While the AB Bofors executive, Martin Ardbo, who negotiated the Rs 1,700 crore Bofors gun deal, mentioned him in his diary as the mysterious 'Q', his victims in India call him as a 'pushing man'.
He was a good PR man for Snam which won as many as 60 projects worth Rs 30,000 crore in its favor during his tenure. Today, there is nobody to save 'Q' in Milan, the headquarters of Snam's holding company, "ENI.
Moreover, ENI's chief executive committed suicide in 1993 and many of its senior officers are facing police cases on charges of corruption. Snam" 'a state-owned company of Italy, is not involved in the Bofors deal as such. But Quattrocchi's activities as a middleman in international deals has raised many an eyebrow as far as the company's credibility is concerned.
While it is widely believed that Quattrocchi is at present a consultant to Snam in Kuala Lumpur, the company has diplomatically denied it. However, it was believed that he was operating from Snam's India regional office when the Bofors deal was finalized in 1986.
The company has clarified that it was not aware of Quattrocchi's other alleged activities in India and maintained that he was a full time representative of the company. Even the company has said that it has no idea of Quattrocchi being wanted by the CBI which has already sought his extradition from Kuala Lumpur to prosecute him in the Bofors case.
This was first noticed in 1980 when Indira Gandhi returned to power. The government had decided to award the contract for ammonia technology for RCF's Thal plant to CFBraun of the US. But he wanted the World Bank-aided project to be awarded to Haldor Topsoe of Denmark, a sister concern of Snam. Quattrocchi played a crucial role in the appointment of PC Sethi as Petroleum Minister and tilted the deal in favor of Holder Topsoe -against the World Bank's decision. Later, the World Bank withdrew from the project.
That was his first showdown where he proved he could get what he wanted. That virtually gave a clear message to policy-makers and bureaucrats to follow Q's line of action.
He also had an encounter with Vasant Sathe, then Fertilizer Minister, over a project in Guna which till the last moment was very much in favour of Kellogg. But 'Q' got the decision reversed in favour of Snam. Those who toed his line were rewarded; those who did not were punished. Ti1l 1985, 'Q' used to resort to pressure tactic to get his work done but the real showdown took place when Snam did not get the 1,700 km long HBJ pipeline contract which went to Spie Capag of France. That perhaps was his first defeat; He wanted to punish those who stood in his way.
The first to go was former Petroleum Secretary AS Gill who was very much in favor of piecemeal tenders instead of turnkey contracts to make the country self-reliant in terms of technology. That did suit 'Q' because India's self-reliance in this field was bound to harm his interests.
There was a standing order for implementation of Snam technology in every petroleum and fertilizer project which had been issued by the Rajiv Gandhi Government. But Gill had contested that order by showing another official order issued by Indira Gandhi where she reportedly said that there should be technology transfer in case of any foreign participation. But that did not happen in practice.
Interestingly, 'Q' used to clarify his position a day after Gill had written to Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on the official file regarding technical difficulty of a particular project for clearance. "That means files were going to him accordingly:' said a former official.
Gill, who had a bright career and was all set to become the next Cabinet Secretary on the basis of seniority, told the FPJ that "there is nothing left for comment after 14 years of my retirement."
Naval Kishore Sharma, Minister of State for Petroleum, was shunted out to the All India Congress Committee as general secretary. VP Singh, who did not change evaluation norms in favor of Snam, and Arun Nehru who allegedly backed the French consortium to win a contract from Snam, had to leave both the government and the party.
HS Cheema, former chairman of Gas Authority of India Limited, was removed in similar fashion. It was Quattrocchi who played a major role in removing him as chairman. "Yes, my career was a bright one all along but there was some unseen hand behind all this," Cheema said in a telephonic interview from Solan, Himachal Pradesh to the newspaper.
Former Indian Oil Corporation Chairman Venkatsubramanian, who refused to call Quattrocchi for talks, had to go even though the government was at a loss to explain the specific reason for his removal. A senior official whom Quattrocchi once offered money indirectly to get a project done, recalled, "He ('Q') said he can arrange Rs. two crore for the one who you like the most." But the official got angry and asked Quattrocchi to get out of his room and never try to contact again. "That was the last time I met him. I have not received any new year greeting since then," according to the senior official.
I shall now list out all the major projects backed by Quattrocchi's company, thanks to his proximity to Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi.
Projects won by Snam/Topse |
Projects | Location | Client | Year |
Two Ammonia Plants | ThaI Vaishet | RCF | 1981 |
Three Urea Plants | ThaI Vaishet | RCF | 1981 |
Four Urea Plants | Hazira | Kribhco | 1981 |
One Gas Pipeline | Hazira | ONGC | 1981 |
One Ammonia Plant | Una | NFL | 1983 |
Two Urea Plants | Guna | NFL | 1983 |
One Ammonia Plant | Aonla | IFFCO | 1984 |
Two Urea Plants | Aonla | IFFCO | 1984 |
One Ammonia'plant | Jagdishpur | Indo Gulf | 1985 |
Two Urea Plants | Jagdishpur | Indo Gulf | 1985 |
One Offshore Complex | | ONGC | 1986 |
One Ammonia Plant | Kakinada | NFCL | 1987 |
One Urea Plant | Kakinada | NFCL | 1987 |
One Ammonia Plant | Gadepan | Chambal Fer | 1988 |
Two Urea Plants | Gadepan | Chambal Fer | 1988 |
One Ammonia Plant | Babrala | Tata Chem. | 1988 |
Two Urea Plants | Babrala | Tata Chem | 1988 |
One Gas Pipeline | Network | ONGC | 1988 |
One Ammonia Plant | Shahjahanpur | Bindl Agro | 1988 |
Two Urea Plants | Shahjahanpur | Bindl Agro | 1988 |
One TPA MTBE Plant | Mahul | BPCL | 1990 |
H-P Isobutene Plant | Taloja | Lubrizol | 1991 |
One Ammonia Plant | Guna | NFL | 1994 |
Two Urea Plants | Guna | NFL | 1994 |
One Ammonia Plant | Aonla | IFFCO | 1994 |
Two Urea Plants | Aonla | IFFCO | 1994 |
One Ammonia Plant | Kakinada | NFCL | 1994 |
Two Urea Plants | Kakinada | NFCL | 1994 |
One Ammonia Plant | Phulpur | IFFCO | 1994 |
Two Urea Plants | Phulpur | IFFCO | 1994 |
Let us now move from fertilizers and chemicals to armaments that became the new grazing ground for Ottavio Quattrocchi,
A First Information Report was registered by Central Bureau of Investigation on January 22, 1990, under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act against Martin Ardbo, President of AB Bofors of Sweden, WN Chadha and GP Hinduja of London and others including beneficiaries of M/s AB Services Ltd of UK, alleging that they had entered into a criminal conspiracy during 1982-87 and in pursuance thereof committed offences of cheating, forgery, bribery, etc., to the extent of Swedish Kroners 319.40 million (approximately Rs 64 crore) in the matter of contract regarding supply of 410 FH- 77 guns, etc., at a total cost of SEK 8410.66 million (approximately Rs 1437.72 crore).
Investigation of the case included several countries including Switzerland. During Narasimha Rao's prime ministership, these investigations were placed on the bargaining counter. Rao bought peace with Sonia to continue in power. In an atmosphere of lull, one of the chief offenders slipped to Malaysia and has not returned till date.
The governments of HD Deve Gowda and IK Gujral used the same Bofors case for counter-bargaining. First, Deve Gowda was ousted from power by the then president of the Congress, the late Sitaram Kesri to install IK Gujral as Prime Minister.
But CBI investigators moved fast and secured some important documents from the Swiss Government. For a decade the most important missing link has been Ottavio Quattrotchi. Ottavio Quattrocchi remained in India from February 28, 1964, to July 29, 1993, except for a brief interval between March 4, 1966, and June 12, 1968. Ottavio Quattrocchi, thereafter suddenly left India on July 29/30, 1993, in order to escape the process of law and has not returned to India since then.
Ottavio Quattrocchi was the beneficiary of the amount of commission for himself or others received by M/s AB Services from M/s AB Bofors, as practically the entire amount, i.e. PS$ 7,123,900 (approximately 97 per cent of the total) was transferred from the account of M/s AB Services to the account of M/s Colbar Investment Limited Inc. Further, he has been transferring the funds received from M/s AB Bofors frequently from one account to another and from one jurisdiction to another to avoid detection and evade the due process of law.
During the proceedings before the Chamber D: Acquisition, Geneva in relation to the appeal filed by him against the execution of Letters Rogatory issued by the Court of Special Judge, Delhi (India), at the request of Central Bureau of Investigation, Ottavio Quattrocchi reportedly had even admitted to his relationship at the highest level in India.
This is to be seen in the light of the fact that Bofors had paid SEK 50,463,966.00 in the name of commission to M/s AE Services on September 3, 1986, and virtually all this amount was transferred by AE Services to Quattrocchi's Colbar Investment Ltd; Inc. in Union Bank of Switzerland, Geneva on September 16 and 29, 1986.
The proximity of Ottavio Quattrocchi with the then Prime Minister of India, the contractual promise of AE Services to M/s AB Bofors to swing the deal) in their favour in a short span of time, the transfer of virtually all the commission amount (received by AE Services) to Quattrocchi's Colbar Investments Ltd.
Soon after the receipt, further transfer of funds from one account to another and from one jurisdiction to another soon after the disclosure of offences, his giving a non-existing address in the relevant bank, his contesting the execution of Letters Rogatory in Switzerland, his sudden disappearance from India after disclosure of his name by an appellant, all are the factors which prima facie show the involvement of Quattrocchi in the offence of criminal conspiracy for cheating and criminal misconduct by public servants.
On receipt of crucial documents from Switzerland in January 1997, a charge sheet was filed in the Court of Special Judge, Delhi on October 22, 1999, against SK Bhatnagar, WN Chadha, Ottavio Quattrocchi, Martin Ardbo and M/s AB Bofors for trial for offences, under sections 120-H Indian Penal Code r/w section 420 Indian Penal Code and section 5(2) read with 5(1) (d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and substantive offences thereof.
Further investigation under Section 173 (8) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 continued. At the time of filing of charge sheet, accused Ottavi of Quattrocchi was based in Malaysia and as such, proceedings for his extradition were initiated there. After the lower court did not accede to the request of his extradition on certain preliminary technical grounds, the matter was taken up in higher courts and at present, it is pending before the Court of Appeals in Kuala Lumpur.
CBI is in touch with the authorities in Italy and efforts for ascertaining the present whereabouts of Quattrocchi through Interpol and diplomatic channels are continuing.
The CBI was informed by Interpol, London, on June 25, 2003, that Quattrocchi, against whom charge sheet was also filed along with others in CBI case No RC 1(A)/90- ACU-IV/SIG (Bofors case) has an amount of three million pounds (approximately ) in a UK bank account and the same was likely to be moved out very shortly. The CBI requested IP, London, to freeze the said account pending a formal Letters Rogatory. A Letters Rogatory dated July 21, 2003, was issued by the Court of Special Judge, New Delhi. The Letters Rogatory was further supplemented on certain points on July 24, 2003, by the Court.
An amount of US$ 1 million and Euro 3 million held in two bank accounts i.e. Account No. 5A51516L & 5A51516M of accused Ottavio Quattrocchi held with BSI AG, 39 King Street, London EC2V 8QD were frozen by the authorities in the UK on the strength of a restraint order issued by the London High Court, Queen's Bench Division on July 25, 2003 pursuant to Letters Rogatory issued by the Court of the Special Judge, New Delhi.
The aforesaid restraint order was challenged by Ottavio Quattrocchi and the London High Court has dismissed his application for discharge of restraint order with cost of UK £ 30,000.00 vide its judgment delivered on November 24, 2003.
Subsequently, an appeal was filed by Ottavio Quattrocchi in the Supreme Court of Judicature, London, against the judgment of London High Court. The Supreme Court of Judicature, London, has dismissed the said application on January 20, 2004, again with cost of UK £ 38,000.00.
The authorities in the United Kingdom have also been requested by the CBI to conduct investigation into the source of aforesaid restrained funds. While the funds held in the aforesaid accounts have been restrained, the request for execution of Letters Rogatory is still pending.
A request had been conveyed to the concerned authorities in UK through Interpol Division of CBI on Decmber 3, 2003, and reminder dated January 30, 2004, for execution of the aforesaid Letters Rogatory on priority and intimating the present status in the matter. But so far, no response has been received from the UK authorities in the above matter.
Where did all this money come from? Why did Bofors pay such huge sums to Quattrocchi when India purchased field guns for its army? Since Sonia Gandhi has been the dearest friend of the Quattrocchi's for over three decades and since she provided them unprecedented access to the prime minister's office and residence for long years, she owes the country an explanation.
The second and equally disturbing event is the impunity with which Sonia Gandhi violated the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 30 years ago. This happened with the launch of a company called Maruti Technical Services Private Limited (MS'FPL) on November 16, 1970. This company was set up by her along with her brother-in-law Sanjay Gandhi to provide technical know-how for the design, manufacture and assembly of a 'wholly indigenous motor car'.
It is in the context of this company, of which she was half-owner and managing director while being an Italian national that the question of FERA violation arises.
The company's story provides valuable insights into the mind of Sonia Gandhi, who is often credited with much innocence and gullibility by those around her. The birth of MTSPL, preceded that of another company, Maruti Limited, which was to avail of the former's 'know-how' to produce the cars.
The Articles of Association of MTSPL named Sanjay and Sonia Gandhi as the first and permanent directors of the company, who between them held 20 shares of Rs 10 each. In other words, its paid-up capital was Rs 200 at the time of its launch. On November 21, 1970, just days after its incorporation, MTSPL entered into an agreement with Sanjay Gandhi, who owned 50 per cent of it.
Under this agreement, Sanjay agreed to render 'technical know-how' to the company for a consideration of Rs 3 lakh. In June 1971, Maruti Limited was incorporated under the Companies Act and Sanjay Gandhi became its Managing Director. On December 15, 1971, MTSPL allotted 1500 equity shares of Rs 10 each to Sanjay Gandhi. On June 2, 1972, MTSPL entered into an agreement with Maruti Ltd, according to which MTSPL was to be paid Rs 5 Lakh in lump sum by the latter for providing the technical know-how.
This document describes MTSPL, of which Sanjay and Sonia Gandhi were the only directors, as a technical company 'which has the capability of imparting technical know-how for the design, manufacture and assembly in India of a wholly indigenous motor car'. It was also entitled to an annual technical fee of two per cent of the net sales of motor cars.
Six weeks after this agreement, Maruti Ltd paid the promised Rs 5 lakh to MTSPL. Later, MTSPL kept its word and paid Sanjay Gandhi, its half owner, Rs 3 lakh in order to purchase 'technical know-how' from him!
The next move came about a year later. MTSPL appointed the owner of its other half, Sonia Gandhi as its managing director. This happened at an 'extraordinary general meeting of share holders' held on January 25, 1973.
Suffice it to say that Sanjay and Sonia Gandhi, the two directors, were also the only share-holders of the company at that time. Soon thereafter, MTSPL signed an agreement with Sonia Gandhi as per which she was to remain the managing director of the company for five years. She was to get a salary of Rs 2000 per month and one per cent commission on the net profits of the company, subject to a limit of 50 per cent of her annual salary plus perquisites.
Sometime later, the company allotted 2000 shares to Sonia Gandhi. For some reason, this was later sub-divided into two share certificates of 1900 and 1000 shares respectively and 1900 shares were allotted to her on February 4, 1974. On the same day, 4000 shares each were allotted to Priyanka and Rahul, the two minor children of Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi.
Even more fascinating was the decision of the Nehru-Gandhi family to launch yet another company, to make among other things, road rollers, and to appoint Sonia Gandhi as managing director of this firm as well. This company, called Maruti Heavy Vehicles Private Limited, had 13 shareholders but the Nehru-Gandhis had the controlling shares.
This was incorporated on February 22, 1974, and Sonia Gandhi acquired 5000 shares in it. She entered into an agreement with this company on September 28, 1974, in regard to her appointment as its MD. But this agreement was not implemented and she did not draw any salary.
In 1975, this road roller company too sought out Maruti Technical Services Company, in search of know-how to make road rollers. An agreement was signed on April 1, 1975, between the two companies, according to which the road roller company was to pay the know-how company two per cent of net sales of road rollers and spare parts.
Did Sonia Gandhi, who was then a citizen of Italy, violate any Indian laws by becoming the managing director of an Indian company and by acquiring shares in Indian companies?
Was MTSPL, which was floated by Sanjay and Sonia, competent to provide technical know-how to make 'a wholly indigenous motor car' and road rollers? Was Sonia Gandhi technically qualified and competent to be the managing director of such companies?
A Commission of Inquiry headed by Justice AC Gupta, which probed the Maruti Scandal and submitted its report in 1978, provides the answers to all these questions. The commission's report said SM Rege, who was Secretary of Maruti Ltd, told the commission it was known to all concerned that Sonia Gandhi was a foreign national and not a citizen of India.
S Kumar, Registrar of Companies, Delhi and Haryana, said the allotment of shares of MTSPL and MHVPL to Sonia Gandhi in 1974 was in contravention of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 and therefore `ab initio void'. After listening to the testimony of several such witnesses, the commission concluded:
"It was a fact known to all concerned that Ms Sonia Gandhi was a foreign national. In view of the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973, which came into force on January 1, 1974, she could neither hold shares of any Indian company nor hold any office of profit in such company from the date the Act came into force without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India,"
The commission further noted, "She tendered her resignation on January 21, 1975. It is surprising that Ms Sonia Gandhi who did not have any technical qualification should be appointed managing director of a technical company. Quite a large sum of money was paid to her on account of her salary and perquisites during the period she remained the managing director of the company."
The Gupta Commission also recorded the fact that A Banerjee, Income- Tax Officer, disallowed part of the remuneration to Sonia Gandhi as excessive "because she had no qualifications to be able to render any technical service to the company".
Among other issues, the commission went into the question of the competence of MTSPL to provide know-how to make cars and road rollers. WHF Muller, a German technician on the staff of MTSPL, told the commission that all that Maruti Ltd produced were 10 to 12 prototypes which were 'hand-made' and 'fabricated/purchased in parts' and not of the same design. They were different from one another.
Yet another witness said MTSPL had no qualified graduate engineer for design on its rolls. There was no fixed and finalized design for the vehicles and no research and development facility. Yet, dealers were recruited and asked to set up show rooms "to create an impression that the appearance of the Maruti car in the market was imminent".
Two such dealers, who were given cars to exhibit in their show rooms, narrated their experience to the commission. "One had to push the car to his show room, and the other who returned the car to the Maruti garage for repairs following a brake failure while he was driving, did not get back either the car or the money (Rs 22,000 // $1 = Rs.40) he had paid for it."
The commission also spoke about the rough and ready methods used by Maruti Ltd against the dealers who wanted to back out. "One of the dealers, Mr. SC Agarwal, who terminated his agency was threatened by Sanjay Gandhi that he would be sent to jail. Mr. Agarwal had to apologize by touching Sanjay's feet. Mr. Om Prakash Gupta of Hapur who had asked for payment of interest due to him on his security deposit was arrested under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act."
Witnesses also told the commission that MTSPL did not have any technically qualified person or specialist on road rollers. The commission, therefore, concluded: "Maruti Technical Services was not competent to render technical know-how in respect of Maruti cars. There is no evidence that it had the know-how in respect of road rollers."
The Maruti cars that are now on Indian roads came to be produced after the Central Government took over the company and brought genuine "know-how" from Japan and dispensed' with the bogus "Italian" know-how that the company was saddled with in its formative years.
In any case, the bottom line is that the contents of the Gupta Commission Report and the Voters' List Episode provide sufficient evidence of Sonia Gandhi's disdain for Indian laws. Regrettably, it would appear the Nehru-Gandhi family was party to these fraudulent declarations.
Although an Italian citizen, she was appointed Managing Director of Maruti Technical Services Private Limited on January 25, 1973. The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), which was debated and passed by Parliament that year, came into force on January 1, 1974.
Among other things, it prohibited foreigners from owning shares or accepting appointment in Indian companies without the permission of the Reserve Bank of India. Yet, Sonia continued as Managing Director and resigned only on January 21, 1975. She had thus violated FERA for over a year. Section 56 of the Act, which listed the punishment for contravention of FERA, says that violations of this nature can attract imprisonment for periods ranging from six months to seven years.
In January 1980, Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister. The first thing Sonia did was to enroll herself as a voter. This was a gross violation of the law, enough to cause cancellation of her visa [since she was admittedly an Italian citizen then]. There was some hullabaloo in the press about it, so the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer got her name deleted in 1982. But in January 1983, she again enrolled herself as a voter! Such is her revealed disdain for Indian laws and that is her mindset even today.
Abandoning India at the time of crisis
The bottom line observed in Sonia's mindset is that she can always run back to Italy if she becomes vulnerable at anytime. In Peru, President Fujimori who all along claimed to be "born Peruvian", faced with a corruption charge fled to Japan with his loot and reclaimed his Japanese citizenship.
In 1977, when the Janata Party defeated the Congress at the polls, and formed the government, Sonia with her two children, abandoned Indira Gandhi and ran to the Italian Embassy in New Delhi and hid there. Rajiv Gandhi was a government servant then [as an Indian Airlines pilot], but he too tagged along and hid in that foreign embassy! Such was her baneful influence on him. Rajiv did snap out Sonia's influence after 1989, but alas he was assassinated before he could rectify it. Those close to Rajiv knew that he was planning set things right about Sonia after the 1991 elections. She did too know of it because he had told her. Ever wonder why Sonia's closest advisers are those whom Rajiv literally hated? Ambika Soni is one such name. Ever wonder why she asked the President of India to set aside, on a mercy petition, the Supreme Court judgment directing that Rajiv Gandhi's LTTE killers be hanged to death, when she was not similarly moved for Satwant Singh who killed Indira Gandhi or recently for Dhanajoy Chattopadhyaya? The explanation for this special consideration for the LTTE lies in what Rajiv had told her in 1990.
(Dr. Subramaniam Swamy)
Those who have no love for India will not hesitate to plunder her treasures. Mohammed Ghori, Nadir Shah, and the British scum in the East India Company made no secret of it. But Sonia Gandhi has been more discreet, but as greedy, in her looting of Indian treasures. When Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were Prime Ministers, not a day passed when the PM's security did not go to the New Delhi, or Chennai international airport to send crates and crates unchecked by customs to Rome. Air India and Alitalia were the carriers. Mr. Arjun Singh first as CM, later as Union Minister in charge of Culture was her hatchet man. Indian temple sculpture of gods and goddesses, antiques, pichwai paintings, shatoosh shawls, coins, and you name it, were transported to Italy to be first displayed in two shops owned by her sister [i.e., Anuskha alias Alessandra]. These shops located in blue-collar areas of Rivolta [shop name: Etnica] and Orbassano [shop name: Ganpati] did little business because which blue collar Italian wants Indian antiques? The shops were to make false bills, and thereafter these treasures were taken to London for auction by Sotheby's and Christies. Some of this ill-gotten money from auction went into Rahul Gandhi's National way into the Gandhi family account in the Bank of America in Cayman Islands.
Rahul's expenses and tuition fees for the one-year he was at Harvard, was paid from the Cayman Island account. What kind of people are these Gandhi-Mainos that bite the very hand of Bharat Mata that fed them and gave them a good life? How can the nation trust such greedy thieves?
(By Dr. Subramaniam Swamy)
Sonia has had long connection with the Habash group of Palestinian, and has funded Palestinian families that lost their kith and kin in a suicide bombing or hijacking episode. This, Rajiv Gandhi himself told me and was confirmed to me [the funding] by Yassir Arafat when I met him in Tunis on October 17, 1990 at the request of Rajiv Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi and I were good friends from 1978, but became very close buddies after V.P. Singh had betrayed him in 1987. We met practically every day, mostly in the early hours from 1AM to 4AM. It was at my suggestion that he made Chandrashekhar the PM. And contrary to public impression, he was not mainly responsible for the fall of Chandrashekar government in which I was a Minister.
Besides the Palestinian extremists, the Maino family have had extensive business dealings with Saddam Hussein, and surprisingly with the LTTE ["the Tamil Tigers"] since 1984. Sonia's mother Paola Predebon Maino, and businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi were the main contacts with the Tigers. The mother used the LTTE for money laundering and Quattrocchi for selling weapons to earn commissions.
Sonia's conduit to the LTTE has been and is through Arjun Singh who uses Bangalore as the nodal point for contact. There is a string of circumstantial evidence pointing to the prima facie possibility that the Maino family may have contracted the LTTE to kill Rajiv Gandhi. The family may have assured the LTTE that nothing would happen to them because they would ensure it is blamed on the Sikhs or the evidence so much fudged that no court would convict them. But D.R. Karthikeyan of the CBI who led the SIT investigation got the support of Narasimha Rao and cracked the case, and got the LTTE convicted in the trial court, and which conviction was upheld in the Supreme Court.
Although on the involvement of Congress Party in the assassination, DRK soft peddled on a number of leads perhaps because he did not want political controversy to put roadblocks on his investigation as a whole. The Justice J. S. Verma Commission, which was set up as the last official act of the Chandrashekhar government before demitting office on June 21, 1991, did find that the Congress leaders had disrupted the security arrangements for the Sriperumbudur meeting. The Commission wanted further probe into it but the Rao government rejected that demand. In the meantime under Sonia's pressure, the Jain Commission was set up by the Rao government, which tried to muddy the waters and thus exonerate the LTTE. But the trial court judgment convicting the LTTE came earlier, and that sinister effort too failed.
Maruti was one of the most odious scandals connected with Mrs Indira Gandhi and her family. The Commission of Inquiry headed by Justice A C Gupta recorded that, though she was at the time a foreigner, Sonia Gandhi secured shares in two of their family concerns: Maruti Technical Services Pvt. Ltd. (in 1970 and again in 1974), and Maruti Heavy Vehicles (in 1974). The acquisition of these shares was in contravention of the very Act that Mrs Gandhi used to such diabolic effect in persecuting her political opponents, the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973. Just another technicality!
But the Mother of Technicalities, so to say, is to be found in the way Sonia Gandhi, without having any known sources of income, has become the controller of one of the largest empires of property and patronage in Delhi. The Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Library and Museum is one of the principal institutions for research on contemporary Indian history. It is situated in and controls real estate which, because of its historical importance, cannot even be valued. The institution runs entirely on grants from the Government of India. Sonia Gandhi has absolutely no qualification that could by any stretch of imagination entitle her to head the institution: has she secured even an elementary university degree, to say nothing of having done anything that would even suggest some specialization in subjects which the institution has been set up to study. But by mysterious technicalities she is today the head of this institution. So much so that she even decides which scholar may have access to papers -- even official papers -- of Pandit Nehru and others of that family, including, if I may stretch the term, Lady Mountbatten.
Real estate, only slightly less valuable, has been acquired on Raisina Road. The land was meant to house offices of the Congress. A large, ultra-modern building was built -- the finance being provided by another bunch of technical devices which remain a mystery. The building had but to get completed, and Sonia appropriated it for the other Foundation she completely controls -- the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation. The Congress(I) did not just oblige by keeping silent about the takeover of its building, in the very first budget its Government presented upon returning to power, it provided Rs 100 crores to this Foundation. The furore that give-away caused was so great that the largesse had to be canceled. No problem. Business house after business house, even public sector enterprises incurring huge losses, coughed up crores. The Foundation has performed two principal functions. The projection of Sonia Gandhi and enticing an array of leaders, intellectuals, journalists etc. into nets of patronage and pelf.
But the audacity with which the land and building were usurped and funds raised for this Foundation falls into the second order of smalls when they are set alongside what has been done in regard to the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts.
This Centre was set up as a trust in 1987 by a resolution of the Cabinet. The Government of India gave Rs. 50 crores out of the Consolidated Fund of India as a corpus fund to this Centre. It transferred 23 acres of land along what is surely one of the costliest sites in the world -- Central Vista, the stretch that runs between Rashtrapati Bhavan and India Gate -- to this Trust. Furthermore, it granted another Rs. 84 crores for the Trust to construct its building.
The land was government land. The funds were government funds. Accordingly, care was taken to ensure that the Trust would remain under the overall control of the Government of India. Therefore, the Deed of the Trust provided, inter alia, every ten years two-thirds of the trustees would retire. One half of the vacancies caused would be filled by the Government. One half would be filled by nominations made by the retiring trustees.
The Member Secretary of the Trust would be nominated by the Government on such terms and conditions as the Government may decide. The President of India would appoint a committee from time to time to review the working of the Trust, and the recommendations of the committee would be binding on the Trust.
No changes would be made in the deed of the Trust except by prior written sanction of the Government, and even then the changes may be adopted only by three-quarters of the Trustees agreeing to them at a meeting specially convened for the purpose. Now, just see what technical wonders were performed one fine afternoon.
A meeting like any other meeting of the trustees was convened on18 May, 1995. The minutes of this meeting which I have before me list all the subjects which were discussed -- the minutes were circulated officially by Dr Kapila Vatsyayan in her capacity as the Director of the Centre with the observation, "The Minutes of this meeting have been approved by Smt Sonia Gandhi, President of the IGNCA Trust."
What did the assembled personages discuss and approve? Even if the topics seem mundane, do read them carefully -- for they contain a vital clue, the Sherlock Holmes clue so to say, about what did not happen.
The minutes report that the following subjects were discussed:
1: Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowship Scheme and the Research Grant Scheme.
2: Commemoration volume in the memory of Stella Kramrisch.
3: Sale of publications of the IGNCA.
4: Manuscripts on music and dance belonging to the former ruling house of Raigarh in M P
5: Report on the 10th and 11th meetings of the Executive Committee.
6: Approval and adoption of the Annual Report and Annual Accounts, 1993-94.
7: Bilateral and multilateral programs of IGNCA, and aid from U N agencies, Ford Foundation, Japan Foundation, etc.
8: Brief report on implementation of programs from April 1994 to March 1995.
9: Brief of initiatives taken by IGNCA to strengthen dialogue between Indian and Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, China.
10: Documentation of cultural heritage of Indo-Christian, Indo-Islamic and Indo-Zoroastrian communities.
11: Gita Govinda project.
12: IGNCA newsletter.
13: Annual Action Plan, 1995-96.
14: Calendar of events. 15: Publications of IGNCA.
15: Matters relating to building project.
16: Allocations/release of funds for the IGNCA building project.
There is not one word in the minutes that the deed of the Trust was even mentioned.
This meeting took place on 18 May, 1995. On 30 May, 1995 Sonia Gandhi performed one of technical miracles. She wrote a letter to the Minister of Human Resources informing him of what she said were alterations in the Trust Deed which the trustees had unanimously approved. Pronto, the Minister wrote back, on 2 June, 1995: "I have great pleasure in communicating to you the Government of India's approval to the alterations."
The Minister? The ever-helpful, Madhav Rao Scindia. And wonder of wonders, in his other capacity he had attended the meeting on 18 May as a trustee of the IGNCA, the meeting which had not, according to the minutes approved by Sonia Gandhi, even discussed, far less "unanimously approved" changes in the Trust Deed. And what were the changes that Sonia Gandhi managed to get through by this collusive exchange of two letters?
She became President for life. The other trustees -- two-thirds of whom were to retire every ten years -- became trustees for life. The power of the Government to fill half the vacancies was snuffed out. The power of the Government to appoint the Member Secretary of the Trust was snuffed out; henceforth the Trust would appoint its own Member Secretary.
The power of the President of India to appoint a committee to periodically review the functioning of the Trust was snuffed out; neither he nor Government would have any power to inquire into the working of the Trust.
A Government Trust, a Trust which had received over Rs. 134 crores of the tax-payers' money, a Trust which had received twenty three acres of invaluable land was, by a simple collusive exchange of a letter each between Sonia Gandhi and one of her gilded attendants became property within her total control.
The usurpation was an absolute fraud. The Trust Deed itself provided that no amendment to it could come into force -- on any reasonable reading could not even be initiated and adopted -- without prior written permission of the Government. Far from any permission being taken, even information to the effect that changes were being contemplated was not sent to Government. An ex post "approval" was obtained from an obliging trustee. That "approval" was in itself wholly without warrant. Such sanctions are governed by Rule 4 of the Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules, 1961. This Rule prescribes that when a subject concerns more than one department, "no order be issued until all such departments have concurred, or failing such concurrence, a decision thereon has been taken by or under the authority of the Cabinet." Other departments were manifestly concerned; concurrence from them was not even sought. The Cabinet was never apprised.
The rule proceeds to provide, "Unless the case is fully covered by powers to sanction expenditure or to appropriate or re-appropriate funds, conferred by any general or special orders made by the Ministry of Finance, no department shall, without the previous concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, issue any orders which may... (b) Involve any grant of land or assignment of revenue or concession, grant... (d) Otherwise have a financial bearing whether involving expenditure or not..."
And yet, just as concurrence of other departments had been dispensed with, no approval was taken from the Finance Ministry.
The Indian Express and other papers published details about the fraud by which what was a Government Trust had been converted into a private fief. Two members of Parliament -- Justice Ghuman Mal Lodha and Mr. E. Balanandan -- began seeking details, and raising objections.
For a full two and a half years, governments -- of the Congress (I), and the two that were kept alive by the Congress (I), those of Mr. Deve Gowda and of Mr. I. K. Gujral -- made sure that full facts would not be disclosed to the MPs, and that the concerned file would keep shuttling between the Ministry of Human Resource Development and the Ministry of Law.
As a result, Sonia Gandhi continues to have complete control over Governmental assets of incalculable value -- through technicalities collusively arranged.
Here is an overview of Sonia's Empire
| Name of the trust | Year founded | Budget | Function |
1 | Rajiv Gandhi Trust | 1991 | Rs. 24 Crore | The Trust Helps the women and the children. Also active in the field of literacy, health, aviation and science. |
2 | Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Contemporary Studies | 1992 | Rs. 3 crore | Study of the public policy from Rajiv Gandhi's viewpoint |
3 | Jawahar Bhawan Trust | 1989 | Unknown | Registered for maintaining Jawahar Bhawan |
4 | Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust | 1985 | Rs. 3 crore | Organizes lecture on the occasion of the distribution of Indira Gandhi Peace Prize given once in every two years |
5 | Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Museum and Library | 1985 | Unknown | This a Government committee which besides maintaining Nehru memorials organizes seminars and exhibitions |
6 | Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund | 1965 | Rs. 7 crore | It maintains Anand Bhawan and Swaraj Bhavan in additions to providing Nehru fellowship |
7 | Veer Bhoomi and Sriperumbdur Memorial committee | 1991 | by the Ministry of the Rural Development | This committee which is solely handled by Sonia, manages the two memorial places associated with Rajiv Gandhi |
One another dimension of Sonia Gandhi's greed for real estate and money [power has been amply exhibited in the way she acquired six trusts bearing the name of Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. It is a well-known fact that Jawahar Bhawan was built to house the Congress party headquarters, but the building worth hundred crores was manipulated to be the property of Rajiv Gandhi Trust of which she is a chairperson trustee for the life. It may be recalled that scores of public and private sector, undertakings were advised to pay handsome donations to RG foundation. The sample of the donors' list along with the money is given below: (As per the list of donors published in daily Jansatta on December 14, 1992)
Name | Amount |
J.N.M fund | 1,00000.00 |
Hindustan Times Ltd. | 20,00000.00 |
Satlaj Cotton Mills Ltd. | 6,00000.00 |
M/s J&K Industries Ltd | 5,00000.00 |
M/s Straw Products Ltd. | 5,00000.00 |
Smt. Sonia Gandhi | 1,00000.00 |
Shri G D Parthasarathi | 5,00000.00 |
Shri Bharat H. Barai | 1,00000.00 |
Dunlop India | 20,00000.00 |
Mathair & Plant India Ltd. | 5,00000.00 |
Orissa Cement Ltd. | 2,00000.00 |
Hindustan Door Oliver Ltd. | 5,00000.00 |
Shri M. R. Chabariya Charity Trust | 1,00000.00 |
ITC Ltd. | 50,00000.00 |
ANZ Grindlays Bank | 6,00000.00 |
M/s Indian Petro Chemicals Cor. Ltd. | 5,00000.00 |
Ravi's Sant Pvt. Ltd. | 1,51,000.00 |
Click Nicson Ltd. | 7,50000.00 |
Niryat Pvt. Ltd. | 10,00000.00 |
Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (I) | 2,00000.00 |
Snow Chem India Ltd. | 7,50000.00 |
Bajaj Auto Ltd. | 25,00000.00 |
M. N. Dastoor & Company | 5,00000.00 |
M/s JCT Ltd. | 12,50000.00 |
M/S Fera Alloys Corpo Ltd | 2,50000.00 |
M/S APJ Ltd | 2,50000.00 |
M/s Simplo (E) Tea Company Ltd | 2,50000.00 |
M/s Surendra Overseas Ltd. | 2,50000.00 |
M/s Assam Frontier Tea Ltd. | 2,50000.00 |
M/s Empire Plantation (E) Ltd. | 2,50000.00 |
M/s Usha Rectifire Corp (E) Ltd. | 10,00000.00 |
M/s Prajakta Finance and Trading Pvt. Ltd. | 7,50000.00 |
M/s Kausar Engineers Pvt. Ltd. | 7,50000.00 |
M/s S G Chemical and Dyes Trading Ltd | 10,00000.00 |
Mahalakshmi Charitable Society | 12,50000.00 |
M/s Godfray Philips (E) Ltd | 12,50000.00 |
Shri SS Surjewala | 1,11000.00 |
M/s Batliboi & Company Ltd. | 1,00000.00 |
M/s Carner Sone Brands Ltd. | 1,50000.00 |
Shri Natthu Bhai Patel | 1,00000.00 |
M/s Associated Beverage & Distilleries | 1,00000.00 |
U N Mehta Charitable Trust | 1,50000.00 |
All India Congress Committee | 50,00000.00 |
M/s Indian Polaseze Comp Ltd. | 5,00000.00 |
M/s Deepak Fertilizers and Petro | 3,00000.00 |
M/s Indian Acritize Ltd. | 1,00000.00 |
Central Bank of India | 2,00000.00 |
M M Joshi Trust | 5,00000.00 |
C D Vajpayee Trust | 5,00000.00 |
K N Singh Trust | 5,00000.00 |
R Gupta Trust | 5,00000.00 |
Shri B. N. srivastava | 5,00000.00 |
Treasurer, AICC | 50,00000.00 |
Sethi Trust | 15,00000.00 |
Indo-soviet Pharmacy | 1,00000.00 |
M/s Jury Agro Chemicals Ltd. | 25,00000.00 |
M/s Vinayaka Enterprises | 2,000000.00 |
M/s Vinayaka Enterprises (Rawgandha Mint) | 1,00000.00 |
M/s Adarsh Enterprises | 2,00000.00 |
M/s Mejestic Acriviter | 2,00000.00 |
Ravi Kumar Traders | 2,00000.00 |
Shri Ram Krishna Lodge | 2,00000.00 |
Rangnath Enterprises | 2,00000.00 |
M/s Shri Ram liquor | 2,00000.00 |
Mahamahim Srhi Li pand | 5,15771.00 |
Mahanager Telephone Nigam Ltd. | 10,00000.00 |
Treasurer, AICC(I) | 50,00000.00 |
M/s Premium Exports Ltd. | 2,50000.00 |
Responsible Builders Pvt. Ltd. | 10,00000.00 |
Jyotsna Holding Pvt. Ltd., | 15,00000.00 |
Warden Armenion Church | 10,00000.00 |
Rohan Motors Pvt. Ltd., | 7,50000.00 |
Meravnazi Security | 1,00000.00 |
ONGC | 1,00000.00 |
UniPatch Ruber Ltd., | 1,00000.00 |
Shri Harshad S Mehta – Ascro Khata | 6,25000.00 |
Promor Race Asset Manage Ltd- Ascro Khata | 6,25000.00 |
Shri J H Mehta – Ascro Khata | 6,25000.00 |
Shri Ashwin Mehta – Ascro Khata | 6,25000.00 |
RPG enterprises (According to | 4,18900.00 |
(According to RGF foundation | 1,83100.00 |
M/s Borosil Glass Works Ltd | 1,00000.00 |
M/s M P Dist Ltd. | 1,00000.00 |
M/s Asian Capital Consolidated Fund | 1,00000.00 |
Shri P V Huglar | 5,16000.00 |
Shri Sitaram Kesri | 25,00000.00 |
Shri Sitaram Kesri | 25,00000.00 |
Shri Lalit Suri | 50,00000.00 |
M/s Wahwan Automotive Centre | 1,23396.59 |
Peerless General Finance & Investment | 50,00000.00 |
Setia Trust | 5,00000.00 |
Shri Sitaram Kesri | 25,00000.00 |
Shri Ravi Chawla | 1,11000.00 |
Smt Meena Ravi Chawla | 1,11000.00 |
Shri Vishal Ravi Chawla | 1,11000.00 |
Bindal Agro Chemical Ltd., | 25,00000.00 |
Fund Raising sub committee for RGF | 12,33370.00 |
All India Congress Committee (I) | 25,00000.00 |
M/s Oswal Agro Mills Ltd., | 25,00000.00 |
M/s Bindal Agro Chemical Ltd. | 25,00000.00 |
M/s Mysore Cements Ltd., | 20,00000.00 |
M/s Simco Ltd., | 5,00000.00 |
M/s coloride Ind Ltd., | 15,00000.00 |
M/s VXL Indian Ltd., | 10,00000.00 |
CESC Ltd., | 37,50000.00 |
Miscellaneous | 1,15000.00 |
Soka Glai International | 5,74268.00 |
Firozeshah Godrej Foundation | 4,00000.00 |
Treasurer, AICC (I) | 25,00000.00 |
Larsen and Toubro Ltd., | 10,00000.00 |
Dena Bank | 1,00000.00 |
Finish Development Agency (Phinida) | 3,44827.59 |
Vijayshri Liquor Company Pvt. Ltd., | 5,00000.00 |
H. Themmegowda | 7,50000.00 |
J P Narayan Swamy | 5,00000.00 |
Ravi Kumar Traders | 7,50000.00 |
The Peerless General Finance & Investment Company | 25,00000.00 |
Nobody pays any money for nothing. Most of the money has been paid by repeated reminders (read coercion)
India Today published a report about Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts in its issue dated July 5, 1999. The write up exposed her manipulation, some portions are given below.
"… with Congress having ruled the country the longest, it is not surprising that its president Sonia Gandhi has not only gained her family's political inheritance but also control over its vast assets in the form of public trusts, institutions and funds. The IGNCA was set up in 1987 with a corpus fund of Rs. 50 crore, a grant of Rs. 100 crore for its grandiose yet-to-come-up edifice, 21 acres of prime land in Delhi (worth of Rs. 5,000 crore), a battery of Government officers on deputation and 15 duplex flats in the capitals Asian Games complex (worth over Rs. 1 crore each).
The IGNCA's original trust deed provided for the trustees to hold office for a period of 10 years, the Member-Secretary to be appointed by the Government and for the President of India in his capacity as the visitor to periodically review the functioning of the IGNCA. However, in May 1995 the trustees without seeking the permission of the Government made crucial changes to the trust deed. According to a document circulated by the IGNCA Workers Union, "During 1994-95, when the Congress party was facing an uncertain elections, Vatsyayan, the then Member-Secretary, got certain major changes carried out in the basic structure of the IGNCA so as to remove the role of the Government of India in the affairs of the IGNCA altogether".
The new trust deed made Sonia life president of the IGNCA and bestowed life membership on R. Venkataraman, P.V.Narasimha Rao, Pupul Jayakar, H.Y.Sharada Prasad and Vatsyayan. When Jayakar declined to accept life membership saying "Indira would be shuddering in her grave if she knew what was happening in her name". Mahmohan Singh was drawn into the charmed coterie in her place. More significantly, the role of the President of India as visitor was done away with as was the power of the Government to appoint the member-Secretary. Kapila Vatsayayan, who till then held the post with the rank of a Secretary n the Union Government and had reached the age of superannuation, was given the rank equivalent to that of a Minister of State and re-designated Academic Director. Madhavrao Scindia, then HRD Minister, gave post facto approval to the changes without consulting either his department or others like finance, urban affairs of parliamentary affairs.
Nor was the matter ever discussed by the Cabinet, then. With the IGNCA clearly violating its own original constitution, the Attorney-General believes that the so-called life president and all the life trustees were not legally exercising their authority over the institution. Moreover, despite receiving huge amounts of public money, the IGNCA does not submit itself to scrutiny of the CAG and instead has hired private Chartered Accountants to do the job. The Government insists that the IGNCA open its book for the CAG and is all set to see this matter to its logical conclusion. "We may even take over its assets if they don't restore the original trust deed", says a high official in the DoC. Meanwhile, notices are being issued to the IGNCA officials to vacate the Asiad Village flats where they have been overstaying without even paying the nominal Rs. 685 monthly rent. However, in a country where occupation is two-thirds of the title and political exigencies more powerful than the niceties of law, Joshi's audacious bid to restore status quo ante in the IGNCA may prove to be difficult, if not more, than throwing out the Pakistani intruders in Kargil".
Finally the mega corruption issue – the Bofors investigation – which Sonia Gandhi never allowed to be completed. During the Narasimha Rao years, he bought peace with Sonia Gandhi on the bargaining counter in Bofors inquiry itself. The tenure of V P Singh was too short, and Chandra Shepherd was not too enthusiastic, for the probe to be completed. When Deve Gowda pushed the inquiry and then CBI chief Joginder singh was about to start the proceedings further, Sonia Gandhi saw to it that Gowda was toppled. It was again for the furtherance of the proceedings by Prime Minister I K Gujral, that the government led by him was toppled. When Vajpayee gave clearance and the papers went to the President, within a fortnight his Government was too voted out on the specific instructions of Sonia Gandhi.
The CBI has enough documents to prove close linkage of 'Q' with Sonia and her family. The joint photographs showing Sonia Gandhi, Rajiv's family members, and 'Q, several travel documents which prove beyond doubt that Mr. Q' and Sonia's family were more closer than knowledgeable people can think of. Quattrocchi's name is there in kick-back accounts; the remaining last leg of the inquiry is bound to catch Mr. 'Q' red-handed, which would in turn show the real greedy Sonia.
Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrierte published an explosive story in its issue dated Nov. 11, 1991 which disclosed that fourteen rules or ex-rulers of the third world countries have a deposit of foreign currencies equivalent to Rs. 5 lakh 50 thousand crores in Swiss banks. The magazine printed the names, photographs and the amount deposited by each of them. They included Idi Amin of Uganda, Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua, Jean Claude Duvalier of Haiti, Manuel Noriega of Panama, Seke Moboto of Zaire, Nicolai Chausescue of Rumania, Haile Selassie of Thiopia, Abu Nida of Palestine, Jaafar Numeiri of Sudan, Suharto of Indonesia, Saddam Hussain of Iraq, Jaa B. Bokassa of Zontralafrika, Rajiv Gandhi of India and Reza Pahlevi of Iran, in that order. The amount said to be deposited by Rajiv Gandhi in various Swiss Banks was 2 billion US dollars. Most of them, who figure in the list, are infamous for being corrupt, nationally and internationally. The magazine which published this story is supposed to be a very serious publication.
CPI(M) MP Amal dutta raised the matter in parliament, and he did mention the name of Rajiv Gandhi and the amount, but nothing could go on record for there was pandemonium from treasury benches which happened to be occupied by the Congress at that time. There upon, Sunday Mail carried this story and reproduced the photographs and money mentioned under their names which in turn was published in the Hindi daily Amar Ujala, too. The point to note was that Congress Government neither confirmed the story nor denied it. No defamation suit was filed by any of the fourteen leaders or by their relatives. This speaks volume about the Rajiv-Sonia couple. India can get her money back, according to the Swiss laws, if prosecution proceedings are finally launched against the heirs of Rajiv Gandhi.
It is an accepted fact that almost every Indian politician is corrupt if measured against Gandhian principles every Indian politician will fail on some points or other but Sonia would fail on every point. Sonia is a symbol of what Gandhi advocated against. She is trying to wear Gandhi's cloak to cash on Gandhi's fame and gain legitimacy. Gandhi stood for:
I. Sat --- which implies openness, honesty, and fairness: Truth
Sonia repeatedly proved her untruthfulness and dishonesty. Even in a trivial issue such as her educational qualifications she lied. Furthermore there is no public record of her ever apologizing for her mistakes.
II. "Ahimsa" --- refusal to inflict injury on others.
Sonia is known for vengeance actions. She is known for intolerance towards party members who rejoined her party.
III. "Tapasya" --- willingness for self-sacrifice.
There is no incidence of Sonia's sacrifice. She sacrificed India, congress party and national icons such as Gandhi to promote herself and her children.
Anybody who respects Gandhi will be against misusing his name and fame. This protest is an attempt to save Gandhi's name and legacy from misuse.
Quotes by Gandhiji
Ø The seven blunders that human society commits and cause all the violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, and politics without principles.
Ø Hinduism is a relentless pursuit of Truth. Truth is God and if today it has become moribund, inactive, irresponsive to growth, it is because we are fatigued; and as soon as the fatigue is over, Hinduism will burst upon the world with brilliance perhaps unknown before.
Ø The Gita is the universal mother. I find a solace in the Bhagavad-Gita that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount. When disappointment stares me in the face and all alone I see not one ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad-Gita. I find a verse here and a verse there, and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies - and my life has been full of external tragedies - and if they have left no visible or indelible scar on me, I owe it all to the teaching of Bhagavad-Gita.
Ø I believe that the civilization into which India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world. Nothing can equal the seeds sown by our ancestry. Rome went; Greece shared the same fate; the might of the Pharaohs was broken; Japan has become westernized; of China nothing can be said; but India is still, somehow or other, sound at the foundation.
Ø When the missionary of another religion goes to them, he goes like a vendor of goods. He has no special spiritual merit that will distinguish him from those to whom he goes. He does however possess material goods which he promises to those who will come to his fold.
Ø It is impossible for me to reconcile myself to the idea of conversion after the style that goes on in India and elsewhere today. It is an error which is perhaps the greatest impediment to the world's progress toward peace … Why should a Christian want to convert a Hindu to Christianity? Why should he not be satisfied if the Hindu is a good or godly man? (Harijan: January 30, 1937)
Quotes on Gandhiji
Ø I believe that Gandhi's views were the most enlightened of all the political men of our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit: not to use violence for fighting for our cause, but by non-participation of anything you believe is evil. — Albert Einstein
Ø In a time of deepening crisis in the underdeveloped world, of social malaise in the affluent societies. . It seems likely that Gandhi's ideas and techniques will become increasingly relevant."--- Gunnar Myrdal

The documents show the letters to Central Govt Minister as well as court documents directing CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) to investigate the case.
When Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi (Sonia Gandhi husband) were Prime Ministers, not a day passed when the PM's security did not go to the New Delhi, or Chennai international airport to send crates and crates of Indian antiques and other treasures, unchecked by customs, to Rome. Air India and Alitalia were the chosen carriers. For organizing all this, Mr. Arjun Singh first as CM, later as Union Minister in charge of Culture, was her hatchet man.
Indian temple sculpture of gods and goddesses, antiques, pichwai paintings, shatoosh shawls, coins, and you name it, were transported to Italy to be first displayed in two shops [see Annexure-16] owned by her sister, Anuskha alias Alessandra Maino Vinci. These shops located in blue-collar areas of Rivolta[shop name: Etnica] and Orbassano [shop name: Ganpati] did little business because which blue collar Italian wants to buy Indian antiques ? The shops were there to make false bills, and thereafter these treasures were taken to London for auction by Sotheby's and Christies.
Some of this ill-gotten money from auction went into the bank accounts of Rahul Gandhi in the National Westminister Bank and Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, London branches, but most of it found it's way into the Gandhi family account in the Bank of America in Cayman Islands. Rahul's expenses and tuition fees for the one year he was at Harvard, was paid from that Cayman Island account [see Annexures-17].
In a nutshell …
UN's declaration of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday on Oct 2 as the International Non-Violence day is commendable. However, instead of a true Gandhian delivering his message of peace & non-violence, Sonia Gandhi who is not a representative of Gandhian values is chosen.
Sonia Maino Gandhi is NOT related to Mahatma Gandhi. She is attempting to misappropriate his name for political mileage and international legitimacy.
She is known to be vindictive and undemocratic. Her party uses various mechanisms such as tax raids, direct threats to subjugate opposition. ('Know your Sonia' by Dr. Subramanian Swamy).
Due to her party's pro-terrorist policies, India has second highest number of terrorism victims after Iraq. Her Govt. is requesting clemency to Afzal Guru, the mastermind of attack on Indian parliament. In pursuit of Muslim vote banks, it created soft borders & turned a blind eye towards Islamic fundamentalism.
Her respect for human rights is best explained by her decision to make a prime instigator of the anti-Sikh riots (that burnt alive 3000 Sikhs) a key central government minister in India.
Her party has shown religious intolerance towards 900 million Hindus by blowing up Rama Sethu, an ancient Hindu heritage monument. This is similar to Taliban blowing up the Bamyan Buddhas.
Gandhi is an embodiment of Hinduism with deep respect for all religions. He called religious conversions the deadliest poison that lethally destroys cultures of the world. Since Sonia came to power, there is a crusade to Christianize India, at the behest of international missionary enterprises.
Her husband Rajiv and son Rahul are alleged to have received payments from KGB. According to Schweizer Illustrierte, Rajiv has a secret Swiss account of 2 billion dollars. Her son Rahul projected as next Prime Minister of India, was also detained by FBI with large unaccounted cash at Boston in 2001. ('The State Within a State' by Yevgenia Albats, Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrierte 11/1991, Indo Asian News Service).
Her party was involved in the UN Oil for Food Scam that helped Saddam Hussein. She was involved in numerous scams, scandals and controversies. Before entering India, she was an au-pair with modest means. Since then, she and her family members amassed millions through questionable means. (Researched articles with proof by Dr. Subramanian Swamy at, 'Know Your Sonia' by India First Foundation)
Why the protest?
This protest is not against any party or person. It is against the attempt by Ms. Sonia Gandhi to usurp Mahatma Gandhi's name and legacy for political mileage and international legitimacy. Ms. Sonia Gandhi policies and actions are opposite to the principles and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. In thought, word and deed they are poles apart.